Stabilizing costs: How Fixed-Cost Labor Can Save the Day
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Stabilizing Costs:
How Fixed-Cost Labor Pricing Can Save the Day

The fight against rising costs is as old as business itself. Since the first cavepeople established the first cave-companies (and successfully litigated the first cave-trademark lawsuits), their eternal struggle to keep costs low has been passed down to every corporate generation since. For some businesses, that struggle can be won with careful consideration of every…

Side view of technician or engineer with protective mask and helmet standing in industrial factory.
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Taking Care of People Is What We Do:
nGROUP’s Response to COVID-19

For nGROUP and our partners, people are our lifeblood. The health and safety of our team members, associates, supervisors, and managers is of vital importance to us. We make the wellbeing of our people a priority every day, knowing it’s the most important investment we can make. Since the outset of the global coronavirus pandemic,…

Side view of a diverse group of individuals observing a demonstration by an employee on Peak Season Success in an industrial facility.
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Peak Season Success: How Macy’s & Williams-Sonoma Both Worked With nGROUP

Across the country, the last few days and weeks of summer are winding down. Temperatures are starting to fall, and soon leaves will follow. As autumn settles in, though, retail distribution operations are just starting to really get cranked into gear. The coming of fall means it’s time for retail peak season. With the holidays…

Curing Production Floor Blues: 2 Components in a Better Work Culture.
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Curing Production Floor Blues: 2 Components in a Better Work Culture

A few years back, I had an opportunity to work with two interesting companies. They were remarkably similar in many ways: both were cross-docking operations that supported big-box retailers, and both were in the Southeastern United States.  In addition, both companies dealt with dramatic fluctuations in volume, as well as frequent interruptions to production planning,…